Monday, September 27, 2010


I thought Wall-E was an okay movie. I thought the whole,save the earth robot idea was cute, but it could have been more interesting. I found some of the humor in this movie was funny but some of the humor was not funny at all.

In case you did not get to see the movie Wall-E, the whole point of the movie was to show us what would happen to our Earth if we did not start to take care of it. It's to show us that in a couple years that our Earth will be so terrible that only robots can stand the conditions of our earth. The whole idea of the movie was cute, but also a little bit cheesy. In three years, our world is not going to look like trash but this movie does state a point, in some places, our world is in bad shape environmentally. Some of the scenes in Wall-E were amazing; some of the scenes made me want to fall asleep. I am strong about my opinion but I know that some people may not agree with me.

Would you like this movie? It depends. Do you like cute, silly, fictional movies that also state a point? Well then you may love this movie. Wall-E is also for kids, mainly kids. I think the only people who will agree with me on my opinion are people who are looking for an action packed, exiting, older aged people movie that will keep you awake! If you like those kinds of movies, you may not like Wall-E. I hope that if you are interested, you will take the time to see it but those of you who agree with me, don’t waste your money on it!


  1. I agree that the movie was very fun and I was alf asleep almost the whole time because it just was'nt interesting.I like how you did'nt say bad things you just stated your opinion.

  2. I completely agree 100%. Some parts just weren't exciting and some parts were great.

  3. I abosulutly agree with you! I actully fell asleep! hahahah! Elleys right dont waste your money on it!

  4. i definetly agree with your movie review it wasnt the BEST movie i have ever seen

  5. I agree the movie was BORING especialy since there was no talking.

  6. I totally agree. That was a wierd movie, especially the fat people.


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