Monday, September 27, 2010

Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost is hilarious, I like the part when the man said the dinosaur’s brain is as big as a walnut, and they have bad hearing. The dinosaurs response to that then throws a man sized walnut. He said that dinosaurs are not athletic that gets the dinosaur mad. Do you like to pretend stuff is bigger than it actually are?

Land of the Lost is about a man who gets trapped in that is in the future and the past and they half to figure out how to get back. This one girl finds a fosile of a lighter, she goes back to where she found it with a man they go back into a time with future and past.

A walnut is about as big as a grape and dinosaurs don’t have good hearing. At least that we know of. This dinosaur happens to be athletic. I personally like this movie because I think it is funny. If you like comedies this will be at the top of your list.

1 comment:

  1. I liked your movie review although I haven't seen this movie I think that it would be very funny


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