Monday, September 27, 2010

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Have you ever had bad things happen in your life? Have you ever tried to stop bad things from happening? Well in this movie you’ll look back and remember these questions. Stars Wars Revenge of the Sith was a great movie because you always would wonder, “What comes next!”

Over the whole movie you wonder if Anakin Skywalker is making the right decisions. The whole problem is that, “The Chancellor has been in the Senate way over his term expired,” says Obi Wan Kenobi, “You need to be careful Anakin, you are getting to close to your friend Palpatine” (The Chancellor). The Jedi are concerned that something suspicious is going on in the Senate. Mostly because they have been trying to find, and destroy the Sith for over a millennium and they since that he is near.

In the beginning the two Jedi Obi Wan and Anakin are flying to General Grievous’s Ship to save the captured Chancellor. You will wonder if they will make it because it is a complete battle zone! If you have seen the Star Wars episode, The Clone Wars, you will know that Anakin has had a lot of hatred and anger in his actions. Well, you will throughout the movie wonder if Anakin will go to the dark side because of hatred and fear, or defeat the Sith Lord and bring balance to the force.


  1. love the movie reveiw and also love the movie, nice job

  2. I kind of think the same about the movie as well

  3. Well, nice review, but I didn't grasp the whole point of the movie.

  4. your review kinda made me want to see star wars. (cause i'm not a big fan of the movie!)

  5. Star wars is awesome, i liked the movie review too!

  6. I have never seen this movie but what you said makes me change my mind!

  7. i loved this movie. And i loved the movie it was so good and i loved the movie revew lauren.

  8. Awesome job it is great how you told me about the movie


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