Monday, September 27, 2010


Taken is a REALLY good movie. There is a lot of action in this movie some parts are really funny. I like this movie because it could happen in real life. One of the Quotes that I like is “Please don’t tell the guys that I hurt myself.” He said that because the people that he works with would think that he is stubbed. There were a lot more funny quotes, but that one was my favorite.

In the movie this guy had a daughter named Lucy. Lucy and her friend go to Pairs without parents . And so they are at the hotel and all of a sadden people come in their door and take her friend so she hides under a bed. Then those people come in, and she is talking to her dad under the bed, and she said they were gone but they weren’t. They walked into the room and grabbed her by the feet, and banged her head on the wall so that she would fall asleep.

If you watch it more than 10 times it gets old. If you what to spend money you should buy this movie. It is a movie for 9 and older because, they would understand it better. It is very intense because there is a lot of action in this movie. If you do get the movie I hope you like this movie because I did.


  1. I've seen that movie and I didn't think it was all that funny. I thought it was pretty serious

  2. That movie sounds really good!!
    I would see it!
    Good job!

  3. I cant wait to see the movie when i get it on dvd!!


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