Monday, September 27, 2010

Last Song

Have you ever seen a movie where fire, piano and cancer cause a lot of damage? I have in this movie a touching story happens. My opinion on this movie is that it is very touching and tells you that cancer is the worst thing that could happen to you or a loved one.

In this movie a divorced father named Steve gets his two kids for the summer. The daughter’s name in this movie is Ronnie and is hurt with feelings until she saves some sea turtle eggs from being eaten by a raccoon. The son Jonah just wants to be with his father. Steve has cancer and it is spreading rapidly. At midnight Steve went into the church to work on his song at the piano. But behind the church where some teenagers smoking and playing with fire, and the church caught on fire. Then Steve got out of the church he thought he caused the fire because the cancer has spread to his brain.

This was a great movie except I thought that they needed to tell us how the father got cancer. The great part of this movie is that it teaches you a lesson. That lesson is that is if a loved one does something bad you still love them!!!

1 comment:

  1. that is the truth your post was awesome good job


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