Monday, September 27, 2010

Miss Congeniality!

Miss Congeniality is one of those movies that you could just see over and over again! Sandra Bullock plays an F.B.I. agent named Gracie Hart that is sent to go be in a Miss America Pageant to spy! She got changed all around from her hair to her shoes! She had always thought the pageant girls as people who only cared about how pretty they looked and what they dressed like, but she soon noticed how caring and heartfelt they were!

One of the best quotes from this movie would be when Gracie Hart says “I am in a dress, I have gel in my hair, I haven't slept all night, I'm starved, AND I'm armed! Don't MESS with me”! It made me laugh so hard and Sandra Bullock said it so good!
There is also a second Miss Congeniality! It is also really good to! After she has been in the pageant for a while she turns in to this girl who now cares about her clothes and her makeup and getting special treatment like how she needed a big room in Las Vegas just for her clothes and makeup! It was really funny! But she still feels like the old Gracie Hart and hasn’t got stuck up in all the fame! If you like chick flicks and comedies then this is a movie you half to see! It’s more fun if you watch it with some of your BFFs because you are not going to want to be laughing by yourself! Trust Me! This was one of the best movies I have ever seen and that I could honestly see again and again and again! Watch It!


  1. I agree with you on everything, except, I thought the first movie was better than the second, but again, that's my opinion. I love the same line as you!

  2. I agree with you that you can see this movie over again and again.


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