Monday, September 27, 2010

The Other Guys

The Other Guys was a great movie.
It has great actors with a lot of gun shots and explosions. It is continuously a funny movie, it grabs you by being funny right at the beginning of the movie. "Hey Terry I just did my first desk pop that’s a real thing right" (everyone pulls out there gun and aims at him.”) (Terry tells how he ended up in the office)It is the best Action / Comedy of the year.

Will Ferrel and Mark Wahlberg are the other guys in the office. It is a PG 13 rated movie. The whole idea of the movie, is that the other guys in the office get thier chance at being involved in the action.That has all the explosions like a James Bond movie. If you like that type of movie, than the other guys is the movie for you.

It is a good movie because Will Ferrel gave Mark Wahlberg his own star on the walk of fame. The presentation was all over the news and the internet.

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