Monday, September 27, 2010

Scream 3

“I will give pity to whoever smells the gasoline”. That is a line that is printed off the printer right before one of the people light a lighter in his house. Scream 3 is a perfect runoff of Scream 2 but is more surprising than any other Scream movie. Scream 3 starts with action and has no break of action anywhere in the movie. This movie is going to make you want to watch more and more until it’s over. Honestly it is one of the best movies I have ever seen.

The Scream contacts a bed sales man's cell phone first and pretends to have the wrong number, and that’s where all the action begins. Scream 3 is based around the survivor of Scream 1 and Scream 2. People are trying to make a movie called Stab 2 which is based off Scream, but Scream has other plans. Scream is a well known Halloween costume for kids but this Scream is not for kids to wear as a halloween costume in this movie. Scream is trying to stop the making of Stab 2, and is trying to get its revenge on the survivor of the other Screams. All though the survivor’s mom dies in Scream 2 she still has visions of her mother.

Scream is an old movie but is probably still one of the best movies. If you ask a friend about Scream 3 they will probably tell you it was super good. Scream does not kill people with guns but it goes old fashion and kills people with butcher knives. There are sometimes in this movie where you will go “yeah that person is so scream”, but you are probably wrong. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves action and horror in the same movie.


  1. I think it was awesome I like how you told me about the movie it was very interesting.


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