Monday, September 27, 2010


If you haven’t seen the movie AVATAR you need to go and see it. The movie is full of action and drama ect. It combines Indian culture with Modern day technology. It shows us the wonders of nature and lets you know what imagination can do?

The movie shows us to do what is right. There are some very sad parts. In the movie if one of the Navi want to ride an Animal they have to make a bond with the animal they have to become one with the animal.

So if you loved what I just said witch you should go see AVATAR. The tribal leader of the tribe doesn’t always look eye to eye. The scientists name is Doctor Ogistean, she is a Avatar driver too. She also wrote the book on the Navi people. Norm is a Avatar driver too, he spent five years studying the league of the Navi. That’s all I can say you will have to go and see the movie your self. Not the one with the guy that has a arrow going down his head the good AVATAR.


  1. I love the movie Avatar, but I yhink it has nothing to do with Indian culture.Avatar was an awsome movie.

  2. You might want to change your title to AVATAR, not AVATER


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