Monday, September 27, 2010

Iron Man 2

This movie was one of the best movies I have ever seen. Starring Robert Downy, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke and more, this movie is packed with amazing people who act very well. The thing I love about this movie is that it starts a base at the begging and keeps building on it; the base never breaks down, unlike other movies that has different topics and cannot keep one topic the whole entire movie.

The movie was about a man named Tony Stark whose father was one of the greatest inventors of all time. Tony has a super dome dedicated to him for keeping the U.S safe. What Tony does not know is that there is a secret in the map of the Super Dome and all the things around it that will save his life.

One of the best parts was when Natile Rushman went to stop Ivan Vanko, it was action packed and I love how the comedy was hilarious, it was funny because Agent Clousen took down one body guard which took a long time and Natile took down like 20 body guards down in one minute and Agent Clousen said, “I got him” when she was gone. Iron Man 2 is amazing and I encourage you to watch it.

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