Monday, September 27, 2010

Land Of The Lost

“This is your own dang volt” that is what the Rick Marshall said when people were slacking and it was their entire fault and they blamed it on some other person. Rick Marshall (the main character) would say it is. This was a really good movie, a suspenseful at some points but it was mostly a funny movie. It is about a scientist that believes there is a land of the lost, he tries to prove this to a class of 5th graders, (who thought he was crazy).He knew he could prove it and so he did.
This was a good movie because Rick Marshall (Will Ferrell) and Chaka a (monkey ape creature) did a great job and Will Ferrell’s movies are always so funny. This movie was one of the funniest movies because the jokes were better than all of the other movies. Some of the jokes were inappropriate for little kids so I would not take your 5 year old child to see this movie. So if you don’t have a child and you are old enough to see a PG-13 movie then go see it. If you don’t see it your are missing out. BIG TIME…
I think it is funny because you didn’t have to like a certain type of humor it just made you laugh and laugh again. Even if it was not a funny part you were still laughing from the last time you laughed. When you get out of this movie I swear you will have a six pack because you will have laugh so hard. My 65 year old nana liked it so if she liked it anyone can and she is a harsh critic. She likes funny movies but she likes a movie that will make her laugh so as I said before it will make your laugh SO GO AND BYE THE STINKEN MOVIE please…………

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