Monday, September 27, 2010


Underdog is cute, friendly, and comical. There is rarely a dull moment in this miniature super hero’s life story. This is a fast pace movie but is never overwhelming. One of Shoeshine’s favorite catch phrases is, "Never Fear Underdog is here."

Shoeshine is an adorable little beagle dog with a sweet disposition who ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. This results in the start of his adventure. One of his traits is that, he never gives up even when times are tough.

Underdog has a little trouble with his nose in the beginning but gets the hang of it with some chomical accidents. But even the best movies have faults.
This movie's main fault is some things are repeated time after time. Several times shoeshine does the same thing when he sees Polly or when saving the world. Also ,when Underdog is fighting with his enemies things tend to be repeated. Overall this is a fun movie for kids though adults might think of it as childish.


  1. Even though there are sentence fragments and comma misuses, it was a great review.

  2. i htought it was a great movie and i loved the review savannah. i liked the way that you put the movie into sentences.

  3. Yay, Shoeshine is a beagle. I have a beagle!


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