Monday, September 27, 2010

The Blind Side

The Blind Side is an amazing movie. I would totally advise you to watch it. This movie is such a great movie its better than all the movies you would see in your life. The Blind Side is like the movie of the year so if I was you I would watch it.Also if your a Sandra Bolt fan or Football fan omg you will love it.This movie also has other actors that are amazing.The Blind Side is also one of the movies that got oscar and best actor of the year that to me is great i know for sure I would watch that movie if it was me.

The Blind Side is about a boy named Big Mike. Big Mike is this teenager that doesn’t really know where he’s going in life. This lady (Sandra Bolt) wants to help him after she see that he’s poor. She takes him in and helps him. He becomes this amazing football player. This movie is also a thanksgiving movie so when you watch this movie think of family and love and giving back. But
wait there's more about this movie see Big Mike changes there hole family by really on thanksgiving he sat on the table and the mother Leigh Anna Touhy(Sandra Bolt) see's him and turns of the t.v. tells everyone site on the dinning table with Big Mike and really that's really it.They really want Big Mike to go to Mississippi and after he's done thinking he picks Mississippi university but some of the colleges were getting suspicious because Leigh and her husband and family went to Mississippi university and so as you can see the other university were telling the judge that they were forcing Big Mike to go to Mississippi university.

Everyone who watches this movie will come out a new loving giving person. After you watch this movie you would help you in life and train you for the next part of your life. So don't waist your money on any other movie come on and watch something that has a meaning to it. If you love this movie you would love other movies with Sandra Bolt and that's a family movie.


  1. good review except you need to add some things tell me what the story is about!!!!!!!!!

  2. What? I didn't fully understand the consept of the movie.

  3. I think the same thing as you! I cried soooo much...:) I didn't get to watch the whole movie, because when I watched it, I was at the movie's with Kursten, and it was the day that we got the Swine Flu shot, and I got sick and had to go home. I thought the part of the movie that I saw was awesome though!

  4. Very nice! I have not seen the movie so this is some good information!!


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