Monday, September 27, 2010

Despicable Me

Despicable Me is a hilarious film with very clever jokes and ideas. In this movie you can’t predict what happens next. I thought this movie was incredibly funny and very good. The characters in Despicable Me are hilarious that include an evil mastermind Dr. Gru, his team of minions, his three adopted girls, and another evil master mind Vector. The difference between this movie and other movies is the characters. None of the characters are the same they, all have different personalities and humors.

This story is about an evil Dr. (Gru) trying to do the most evil thing of all time but there is another evil genius (Vector) getting in his way. So Dr. Gru adopts three girls who sell cookies to Vector to try and help Gru defeat Vector. The Dr. starts the movie using the girls and not actually loving them but enjoys them more as the movie goes on. Dr. Gru’s job has been the most important thing to him for a long time and his girls are getting in the way of that. So the Dr. must return his children back to the orphanage to complete the biggest thing he’s ever done. Before Dr. Gru returned the girls he had made a promise to his youngest daughter that he would go to her ballet recital. The Dr. finishes his task but gets to the recital after it is over. When he gets there his girls are not there someone had kidnapped them. Then he thinks of Vector.

The thing that is so hilarious in this film is the scheme of the movie, the characters, and the characters voices. Every time the minions spoke I laughed. The funny jokes and actions of the three girls were a perfect match with their father Gru who was hilarious and a different humored character. Also the character Vector was different him being a trouble making smart mouth. A couple of the funniest things in the movie are when Dr. Gru takes his daughters to a carnival and wins his youngest daughter a stuffed unicorn. The youngest daughter is so excited that she is practically yelling at her sisters and her dad to look at the unicorn. Another one of my favorite moments is when Dr. Gru sends his minions to the store to finish a task for him and they dress up as humans. There are many more funny parts to this movie you’ll just have to go see. I think that this movie was one of the funniest family movies of the year and look for this producer to make many more.

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