Step Up 3 in 3D was amazing because of all the special affects they added to make it 3D, all the dancing they had in the movie was just amazing to watch. My opinion for this movie is that it is a great movie to see in 3D because of the affects of the dancing seens they had all though out the movie. This movie is about a college girl and boy who are friends and they go to the same college together but when the boy goes against a dancer who was trying to get a challenger and the boy beets him because he loved to dance and he stopped dancing because his parents wanted him to do something more in his life than becoming a dancer so when the boy started to be chased by the police the boy meets a guy who helps him get away from the police because he let a lot of balloons go and he got cased after and the guy asked the boy if he wanted to join them for the dance competition that was coming up in a couple of weeks.
The movie is about this boy named who loves to dance but can’t because his parent want him to go to college and get a diploma for a job and a good life. But when he gets challenged by a member of a dance crew things take a turn because when he was dancing he let a whole bunch of balloons go and the balloon sales guy was very mad at him. So the salesman called the police to get the boy but a guy named Lucas came to help him get away from the police. And so Lucas took the boy back to his place to stay and Lucas asked the boy to join his dance team so they could win the dance competition that was coming up soon. The boy was also amazed to see how many people were living their too and how many rooms were in Lucas’s house and so the next day after school he went to practice with the group and so the start to practice really hard to try to see if they can go to the finals and win so they started making their routine for the first challenge they are going to dance in. On the first day of the competition they have to try to beat another team.
This movie is great for anybody who likes dancing and 3D this is a movie that hopefully a lot of people will like/love to watch when they see this movie because to me the 3D affects were great because it almost pops out at you in some of the movie. And it is really cool to see people dancing the way they want to not the way people would want them to because they have a passion for dancing their heart out because they love to dance.
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