Monday, September 27, 2010


The Other Guys with Will Ferrel was great.
It was a continuously funny movie, it didn’t have a slow start and it stayed funny.
If you like movies about cops that is really funny and is not really what happens
you should see this movie!

It’s about two cops that never see any action in the field, one shot Derek Jeter, and the other doesn’t really want to be a real cop, he just wants to work on his computer all day.

One of the parts in the movie is where the bad cops are at a school letting the kids pass around their guns for a show and tell kind of thing but all of the sudden they have to go to a crime. They take a girl with them for a field trip and speed through traffic while the girl is flying around in the back seat. The other guys try to come but there too late and run in to a bunch of drugs and it gets all over his Prius which later gets trashed even more.


  1. I loved this movie. My favorite part was when the two big cops jump off the bilding.

  2. I loved this movie. I think my fav part was when Will Ferrel got a wooden gun.


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