Monday, September 27, 2010

Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief was a great movie because it shows a lot about Greek mythology. What if you were Percy Jackson and had to fight monsters just to keep yourself alive? Would you like to stay at a camp for most of the year to stay safe and not see your family much?
If you had to be Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon you would have to go to a camp called Camp Half Blood for half bloods. A half blood is somebody who has one parent who is a god and one parent who is a mortal. In the movie Percy Jackson has to go to Camp Half Blood to stay safe because Thalia the son of Zeus, tried to come to camp half blood but couldn’t because right before she got there a monster attacked her. In honor of Thalia, Zeus turned Thalia into a tree that only lets half bloods or gods into the camp. Percy Jackson was accused of stealing the master lightning bolt from Zeus because Poseidon and Zeus don’t like each other that much so Zeus blamed it on the son of Poseidon. Grover Underwood a satyr was meant to watch Thalia, Luke the son of Hermes, and Annabeth Chase the daughter of Athena but he couldn’t get them all safe. He had everybody safe except for Thalia.
I think Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief is a good book to read in school to teach the kids about Greek Mythology early so they can understand it better. The movie explains most of the Greek Gods and Goddess including Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Dionysus, and many other gods. I hope you like the movie.

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