In my opinion, Despicable Me was one of the best movies I have EVER seen! Some points of the movie were funnier than others, but I thought the whole movie was pretty funny. A lot of the movie was pointless, and didn’t make sence, but it was also very cute and entertaining. My favorite part in the movie was when Anges, her sisters, and Gru were at the amusement park, and Gru won a unicorn for Anges and she kept saying, “It’s so fluffy!” I thought that was adorable. The movie was a little bit repetitive at some parts, but like I said, it was an awesome movie.
Despicable Me is about someone (Vector) stealing the moon. Gru is an “Evil” scientist who saw Edith, Margo, and Anges trying to sell Girl Troup cookies. He thought, in order to get the moon back, he could use the three little girls that were in an adoption center, to help him get it back. When he came to adopt them, they didn’t like the fact that he was a scientist and didn’t care about them. But, after getting to know him, they started to like him. They always tried to get him to read them a bed time story, but he was “to busy” to. Finally after them begging, he would read to them, but he didn’t like it. I honestly think using the little girls wasn’t the right thing to do, but in the long run, it turned out to be okay. He told the little girls to go into Vector’s house pretending like they were selling cookies while Gru went in the back and got the moon. It worked! But Vector got it back after finding out who took it. Like all movies, it turns out ok and everything back to normal. They got the moon back in the sky and so on and so on.
Why I thought it was a little repetitive was because Vector stole the moon, Gru got it back, and then Vector stole it again. Big whoop. Why it was also kind of pointless is because, who honestly cares about the moon getting stolen in a fiction movie? Now if we were talking about real life, yah of course I would care, and technically, you can’t steal the moon. If you like fictional movies that don’t really have a point, you would love this movie. But if you’re a person like me that likes movies with real people, and not true facts, this probably wouldn’t be the right movie for you to see. Now, this is just my opinion. Despicable Me I would say, is for more little kids, but you know, I have an older sister that is 18 and she loved it, it just kind of depends who you are. I did think the movie was a little childish, but also LOVED it. My favorite character is Anges. She is so adorable! Thanks for reading my column!
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