Monday, October 18, 2010


Dear Mrs. Smith
Thanks for the Voki, I went home sick today and I was confused about D.O but then I listened to the voki and I got it and took the quiz. Thanks again and see you in class tomorrow if I feel better!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do Not Text on my Blog!

Hello my darling students! This blog is academic; please understand that everything your type, whether a post or a comment, must be written as though your loving grammar instructor will read it. Many of you are typing as though you are texting. Do not use a lowercase i as the pronoun I; edit your comments, and get those out of my blog! Check your spelling while your are there. Don't be lazy with your comments. I do like the support you showed each other. I like the way you commented on each other's work. Also, at this point in your writing/grammar career, you should know that you are not to end a sentence with a preposition. You may not end with at, to, from, or any other preposition. Don't speak this way, and certainly don't write this way. I'm proud of the work you put into these movie reviews; you will look back on them at the end of the year, however, and you will not believe the mistakes you made. You are improving each day, and I'm proud of you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud

Charlie St. Cloud is a great movie. I think that if you like movies that are scary and sad you will love this movie. I loved this movie although it can get confusing at the beginning, but at the end it all comes together. You have to really pay attention to the words that they are saying and what they are doing. Or else you will be very confused at the end.

This movie is about a guy named Charlie and a kid that dies in a car crash and god gives the guy another chance to live. Charlie figures out why god gave him another chance. It was to save another girl who got in a boat crash and is in the freezing cold water. Charlie has to go search for her before she dies. He finds her by his dead brother leading him to the spot where she is.

While Charlie was searching for the girl it got confusing because you didn’t know that she was dead or that he was dead. Another thing that confused me about this movie was that Charlie didn’t know that the girl was dead. He thought that it was just sickness when she was getting colder but she got in the freezing cold water when the boast crash happened. That’s how Charlie figured out why god gave him a second chance, to save the girl. So as you can see it’s confusing but it is still a great movie!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Taken is a REALLY good movie. There is a lot of action in this movie some parts are really funny. I like this movie because it could happen in real life. One of the Quotes that I like is “Please don’t tell the guys that I hurt myself.” He said that because the people that he works with would think that he is stubbed. There were a lot more funny quotes, but that one was my favorite.

In the movie this guy had a daughter named Lucy. Lucy and her friend go to Pairs without parents . And so they are at the hotel and all of a sadden people come in their door and take her friend so she hides under a bed. Then those people come in, and she is talking to her dad under the bed, and she said they were gone but they weren’t. They walked into the room and grabbed her by the feet, and banged her head on the wall so that she would fall asleep.

If you watch it more than 10 times it gets old. If you what to spend money you should buy this movie. It is a movie for 9 and older because, they would understand it better. It is very intense because there is a lot of action in this movie. If you do get the movie I hope you like this movie because I did.


I thought Wall-E was an okay movie. I thought the whole,save the earth robot idea was cute, but it could have been more interesting. I found some of the humor in this movie was funny but some of the humor was not funny at all.

In case you did not get to see the movie Wall-E, the whole point of the movie was to show us what would happen to our Earth if we did not start to take care of it. It's to show us that in a couple years that our Earth will be so terrible that only robots can stand the conditions of our earth. The whole idea of the movie was cute, but also a little bit cheesy. In three years, our world is not going to look like trash but this movie does state a point, in some places, our world is in bad shape environmentally. Some of the scenes in Wall-E were amazing; some of the scenes made me want to fall asleep. I am strong about my opinion but I know that some people may not agree with me.

Would you like this movie? It depends. Do you like cute, silly, fictional movies that also state a point? Well then you may love this movie. Wall-E is also for kids, mainly kids. I think the only people who will agree with me on my opinion are people who are looking for an action packed, exiting, older aged people movie that will keep you awake! If you like those kinds of movies, you may not like Wall-E. I hope that if you are interested, you will take the time to see it but those of you who agree with me, don’t waste your money on it!

Clash of the Titans

This movie will give you the thrill of a life time. There is a lot of action and adventure. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were on a boat and some random people got shot by a man who is a god.

Perseus the son of Zeus he is half god and half mortal. He has to stop Hades from taking over Olympus. Perseus is on a boat with his dad, mom and sister, when they see people breaking a statue of Zeus, that’s when Hades the lord of the underworld comes out and kills them all and tries to kill Perseus and his family. Don’t you think that it would be kind of hard to travel to the underworld and kill a girl that if you looked into her eyes you would turn into stone?
Then you have to use her head to kill a monster that defeated the titans.The Titans were the first gods and were defeted by the Cracken which was made by Hades. This monster is called the Cracken.

It would be kind of hard to this monster because that he didn’t even know about, Fighting monsters that are two times the size of you. If you like action movies then this is the movie for you.

Remember The Titans

Remember The Titans is a great football movie because the team the Titans was formed with white and black people, during the time of segregation. When the titans get a new black head coach the school gets many new kids to try out. Unfortunately the new black head coach, Coach Boone is that he gets unfortunate things done to him and that he fights through to just coach a high school football team. If you want to hear about a movie that’s overall money total is $136,706,683.00, I suggest you keep reading.

The whole movie is how the Titans football team came to be mixed race. It happened when the school gets a new head football coach, an African American, and the Titans had no African Americans before this coach came. The team gets along after taking a trip to a football camp where the roommates are mixed race, and they have an assignment every week to tell about a person from the opposite race or they keep getting more and more practices every day. "One day early at five a.m". Coach Boone decides to have himself and the football team have a run in the woods which is about a fifteen mile run. After all the hard work at camp the team comes back to school. The first game the titans have they’re losing not badly but losing. Then they have an awesome comeback and win the game.

I think the movie is a great football movie just how the team came to be and fought through the segregation rules, and ignored all the mean people who booed when the African Americans came, but clapped when the whites came out of the tunnel. An example of how many new kids try out is when the tryouts come there is about thirty new kids and about twelve of them started. "When Coach Boone is at home one night someone throws a brick through the window so he pulls out his shotgun and heads outside to see who did it and the car had already been driving away by the time he got outside".